Administrative Assistant Onboarding Checklist
This checklist outlines the administrative assistant onboarding process, which includes pre-boarding, the first day, the end of the first week, and the end of the first three months. During the pre-boarding stage, the administrative assistant will receive a welcome email, an information packet, and necessary paperwork. They will be assigned a mentor or buddy, and their workstation will be set up with the necessary supplies and equipment. On the first day, the administrative assistant will tour the office, meet their team members and key departments, and complete HR onboarding. They will also set up their computer, email, and software accounts and receive training on essential office equipment. At the end of the first week, the administrative assistant will have a check-in meeting with their supervisor to discuss their first week and answer any questions. The end of the first three months marks the formal performance review. The administrative assistant will evaluate their progress towards their goals and objectives, identify any training or resource needs, and discuss career development paths and opportunities for growth.
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This purchase is for a single license for you to use with your team. If you want to share with additional teams, divisions or people from other companies, please get in touch (to discuss the extra licenses).
Disclaimer: This template has been researched and compiled to be used as a starter template for your business. Ensure your final template meets relevant legal regulations before using it.