Facility Manager Onboarding Checklist
This onboarding checklist outlines the steps involved in onboarding a new facility manager in an educational setting. It covers the pre-boarding stage, the first day, the first week, and the first three months. The pre-boarding stage involves sending a welcome email, preparing necessary documents, setting up IT systems, and providing access to policy handbooks. The first day includes an office tour, IT setup, introductions to key personnel, and training sessions. During the first week, the new employee will complete paperwork, attend training sessions, shadow the existing facility manager, and begin familiarizing themselves with the facility's systems. The first three months focus on developing a comprehensive understanding of operations, conducting an inventory, managing projects, and building relationships with stakeholders.
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Disclaimer: This template has been researched and compiled to be used as a starter template for your business. Ensure your final template meets relevant legal regulations before using it.